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18-30 RIYPLD

We were so excited with the launch of the Erasmus+  RIYPLD Project!

The RIYPLD Project was an Erasmus+ funded youth dialogue project. aimed at raising and inspiring young people into public life! The project was be made up of six engaging and interactive sessions exploring all aspects of public life, a local youth conference and the opportunity to take part in 3 amazing trips!

The project was open to young people aged 18-30. 

The #RIYPLD Project was made up of three super exciting elements! The first is six engaging and interactive workshops which  explored:
– Our local government, looking in particular at MLAs and their roles.
– The context of NI Government and how it fits within the UK.
– The role of statutory agencies and government bodies.
– Brexit – What it means for you!
Each session will be led and facilitated by an experienced tutor with valuable insight from guests within our local government such as Ministers, MLAs and Special Advisors!
Want to get your voice heard?

The first session, was an introduction to the project, exploring what is Erasmus+. We also began to delve into the structure of the UK Government and why it is important that young people have their say! In the second session, we explored more about your local council areas and what this means. There was also  a special opportunity to ask questions to a local councillor and discuss what opportunities there are for you!