CCEA Level 3 Classroom Assistant
"I heard about the Classroom Assistant course through a family member, they hours suited me to attend and the support was brilliant, I didnt really have many expectations before starting the course appart from preparing myself for some hard work but it was definitely worth it. I would recommend to anyone doing the course to set time a side each week to keep on top of coursework. I hope now to go on to do a Special Educational Needs Course."
Megan Monroe
" I attended KWC before doing other courses so that how I found out about the Classroom assistant course. I was thrilled when I heard KWC was going to deliver this course as it was one I always wanted to do. I didnt anticipate the amount of work involved but it was worth it, I really enjoyed the course and enjoyed it so much. I am hoping now to find employment as a result of completing this course."
Olga Trench
" I found out about the Classroom Assitant Course through my partner. The location suited my to attend the course. We were guided and given advice throughout the course and all my expectations of the course were met. I would advise anyone considering doing this course to be prepared for a lot of coursework, but its definitely worth putting the effort in. I will now try to get a job as a Classroom Assistant and continue in the meantime with more training to improve my chances of employment"
David Innis
I learned about the course from KWC Facebook page. The reason I choose KWC was because it was so accessible and I could fit the course around my children attending school.. I would encourage anyone to do the course I found it easy enough. I am now planning on looking for a job"
Fiona Kingsley
"I found out about the Classroom Assistant Course through my sister-in-law who works in Kilcooley Primary School, I was able to do the course due to KWC having Childcare available on site. Although there was a lot more involved that I envisioned it was an excellent course but does come with a level of committment with coursework and placement in a school. As I'm expecting a new baby soon my career is currently on hold for the moment but I'll will be planning to participate on training in the future"
Karen Lindsay-Barry
"I learned about the Classroom Assistant Course through their Facebook page. KWC is close to my home so the venue suited to enable me to do the course and worked well with my children for school drop offs and pick-ups. Tutor was excellent and I would highly recommend this course to anyone. I am now going to look for a job as a Classroom Assistant."
Christine Crawford
"I learned of course through Facebook and Friends and really enjoyed the smaller class. I felt nervous at the beginning but I got through it with my qualification and would recommend anyone to Go for It!!! I now hope to get a job with my new qualification."
Danielle Atkinson
" I found out about Classroom Assistant through Facebook and it suited me because it was local and had the added advantage of Childcare on site. All aspects of class exceeded my expectations. I would recommend anyone to do the course even if your not intending to use the it but is always something that you can expand on and I feel will open a lot of doors. I'm not sure at this point what I intend to do next"
Kelly Howell
" I found out about the course through word of mouth and day of the course really suited me. I would recommend anyone to do the course as it was really good and not that I'm qualified and have gained experience I intend to look for a job"
Julieann Hartley
Beauty & Nail Courses
"I have completed the Gel Nail Extension course and I have now received my certificate. I enjoy getting out and doing new things."
Victoria Johnston
"I found the Infection Prevention course really informative. Allison presented the course well, made it enjoyable and was able to answer any of our questions. I was delighted to pass."
Kathryn Morrow
"The Infection Prevention course was very informative, it was my first course online and was very professional and well structured. I enjoyed the lessons and Alison is a great teached and her knowledge base is excellent."
Julia Clarson
"I recently attended the online course for Covid 19 infection prevention within beauty & nail services. I found it very informative & gained in-depth knowledge that I can use when back in the salon on how to keep up to date with the high level of standards expected as covid 19 is still relevant in our day to day life. I felt very comfortable doing the course over zoom and would highly recommend anyone within the beauty industry to do this course. Thank you to KWC for this opportunity."
Robyn McCann
"I attended online training, VTCT Level 2 Infection Prevention for Beauty Therapy and Nail Services, this course was a great insight to infection control working within the beauty sector. I acquired a great deal of knowledge on this course and it was relevant to our current situation with Covid 19. Very well presented over Zoom.
C Barr
Youth Programme
"The girls at Catalyst are more like an extended family. I have made some great friends throughout the classes. I enjoy getting out and doing new things. I love being involved in Catalyst, I have been able to gain more confidence and rebuild on the person I once was. I am glad that I joined Catalyst, I am proud to say I am still learning and building on myself and am thankful for the programme and friendships I have made."
Victoria Johnston
"So far within my time in Catalyst I have created a lot of strong relationships with the other people who attend each week but also I have been given a range of opportunities to be involved in different courses that gave me the ability to achieve a variety of certificates. Being inducted into a group like Catalyst has given me a chance to work on myself in an environment which is understanding and trusting."
Holly McVeigh
"Catalyst is amazing. You go on so many trips. I have made so many new friends. Catalyst has made my confidence grow."
Samantha Smallwood
"Catalyst has helped me overcome a lot of problems and advised me of loads of new ways of doing things and trying to get to my next level of goals. I have also made a brilliant group of friends that will always stay close."
Zoe Johnston
"I have really enjoyed the trips and making a fab new group of friends! It has helped give me a lot of confidence and prepare for the job I got as a special needs teaching assistant."
Naomi Hadley
Older Women's Group
"I have thoroughly enjoyed this class. Pleasantly surprised how people have different opinions. The stories were very interesting. Ashley our Tutor was amazing, hopefully this class will continue in the future."
S Sloan
"Before I had heard of Kilcooley women's Centre, I had never been to the estate. I was suffering from depression and my Doctor recommended I look into further education. I spoke to the wonderful Office staff and decided to do a craft course and an ICT course. What a joy, to learn so much in such a warm environment. The craft class was so enjoyable and could help a person become self employed. Rebecca the Tutor is such a genuine person and treats the students all the same.I don't know what I''ll do when the class ends. The class is such a lifeline. I also attended and ICT class with Lorna who is a brilliant Tutor. I couldn't have switched a computer on before joining. Her class consists of young and older folk and we have all gained so much, both in learning and in the friendships we have made."
Bernice Rafferty
"Over the past 6 months Kilcooley Women's Group has become a lifeline to me. Due to ill health and severe medication this has been my only opportunity to socalise, meet with other women, learn a new craft or skill which has given me new hope and brought back some of my self confidence, which I had lost due to my illness and feelings of isolation. Furthermore, I would like to add that I am from a different country and find it harder to make new friends, since I no longer work and don't have my family living in this country. Kilcooley Women's Centre has made such a huge difference in the quality of my life and other womens lives too."
Nita McBratney
Gifted Testimonials
"Thank you so much for, not only the lovely flowers, but for all you and the staff of KWC have done for Karly and myself. It has been a pleasure having your students in the salon learning enthusiastically. All my staff thoroughly enjoyed helping at your fashion show, it inspired them to want do more and be involved with our community. Not to mention the tasty supper, that rmade them so happy. Please pass on our thanks to Lauren and Alison and all your staff for making us feel so welcome."
LynneLA Styling
"Through the Gifted music programme I learnt a lot about both the music industry and the logistics of playing in a band. I also enjoyed myself a lot."
Oliver ReaGifted Band
"I have had an amazing experience with the gifted team.... I am a Ranger Guide leader and they have so kindly worked around our availibility to be able to put on a silversmith workshop over the summer which was a great opportunity and something completely different for the girls to get involved with...they have also run the make up and hairstyles courses for us which the girls really enjoyed learning more about! We have also just started the VTCT Community Action module with them. Lynne and her team are brilliant! :)"
"The GIFTED fashion show was fabulous to see so many people of different ages and backgrounds having learnt something new and getting the opportunity to show off their creativity."
Incredible Years Parenting Programme
"I love incredible years I have found I definitely look at situations differently now. It
made me understand I need to listen to my kids better. I seen a massive change in my three year olds behaviour as rather than him getting frustrated he is better now at explaining himself and I take the time to understand him better. He now asks me to hold my hand crossing a road, before he wouldn't and this caused as issue. With incredible years it's taught me to praise him and thank him for being so well behaved now I find him behaving and looking for my praise. It's helped us as a family as I am going home and explaining to my husband how we should deal with
situations better. I'm thoroughly enjoying it and love meeting all the girls taking part. I love we can all support each."
Dawn McElroy
"I would agree with Dawn McElroy. The course has taught me to be more specific with
praise which has resulted in improved behaviour. It has massively helped me understand my Child's; need for perfection and how to deal with frustration when this doesn't always come about. Another key learning has been not taking away rewards earned when consequences for negative behaviour have to be put in place- now we treat these as 2 seperate situations. I certainly feel the course has made an instant impact on my 8 and 4 year old and will continue with my 1 year and future newborn to bring increased harmony into a very busy household.
Incredible years has helped me be more patient, more giving with praise, better at listening and understanding, not only with my own child but with the childrenI nanny. We get set in our ways with how children should be taught about life and sometimes they aren't good ways. I have
made small changes gradually and see a difference in not only the way i talk to the children, but how they talk to me. And I listen to them and they listen to me!! Theres a lot more respect too from the older children. I play better with the children, just by incredible years giving me useful tips on child -led play. The difference it has made with my little girl is amazing. She wants to play more with me whichis lovely. This program just makes you stop and think. I love it."
Lorraine Hume