Ladybirds Childcare

About Ladybirds Childcare
Jellietots – Baby Room (children 0-2)
Jellie Tots childcare is committed to providing a safe and secure, friendly and stimulating environment for all children in our care. Jellie Tots have a bright comfortable recently renovated room which is well equipped for children to learn and explore and gain independence.
The aim of Jellie Tots is to deliver a high quality play environment from birth to two this has been very beneficial for children progressing onto playgroup or nursery as they have had experience of a structured environment. We can care for up to nine children within this room with a staff to child ratio of 1 staff member per 3 children. Children will move to our Smarties room once they turn 2 years old.
Smarties – (children 2-3)
Our Smarties room is for children 2-3 year olds and is a bright and airy room with excellent resources including sensory equipment to best support this age range. Children are encouraged to pick their own toys and have a say in the planning. Lots of outdoor play take part in this room alongside messy play.
Magic Stars – (children 3-4)
Our 3-4 pre-pre school room has been hugely beneficial to support children’s transition into nursery school in preparation for starting primary 1.
Children are already in a structured environment and have learned how to sit at a table and eat meals together as well as using a knife and fork properly. We find that our children are a lot more school ready once they have experienced our childcare setting and the state of the art resources we use to develop their skills and confidence whilst using our service.
Settling in
Each child is treated as an individual, and settling in is augmented to suit your child’s needs. During the settling in period we would ask parents to encourage their children to get to know other children and staff. This will help your child adjust to new surroundings and enjoy coming to our childcare room. Do not hesitate to let staff know if your child has any likes or dislikes which might help them settle in. If your child has any comfort toys let the staff know. If leaving the toy please mark it with the child’s name so as it can be identified.
We maintain strict rules and regulations regarding access to the facility to comply with regulations and to maintain a safe and secure environment for your child. The staff appreciate your co-operation in this regard.
A little more about us
We are a registered onus “safe place” meaning we will accomodate those suffering domestic violence, to contact councelors, police or family to get help.
We are also breast feeding friendly and those wishing to feed can make use of our parent room.
Ladybirds are passionate about working with parents and often run parent workshops, these workshops help staff and families share skills.
The facility adheres to strict child to worker ratios, therefore we appreciate you refraining from arriving before your alloted childcare time. In addition, you are required to collect your child promptly and vacate the premises.
Any complaints regarding the service should in the first instance be raised informally with the nursery managers. If you are unsatisfied with the resolution proposed, please request our complaints policy and follow the outlined procedure.
Ladybirds Childcare is currently supported by Department for Communities Women’s Centre Childcare fund, Department of Education (Pathways Fund) and BBC Children in Need.
Ladybirds offers full-time and part-time care and is open Monday to Friday 7.30-5.30, 48 weeks per year (we close a week at Christmas and Easter and two weeks over July holidays).
To find out any further information contact the centre on 028903039 or