028 9147 8292

Email info@kilcooleywomenscentre.co.uk

Healthier You

The main aim of the health development programme is to improve health and well-being in the Kilcooley and North Down area.

We will achieve this by

  • Working in partnership with the South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust, Public Health Agency and other key stakeholders in order to drive health improvements, preventions and interventions.
  • Advance health improvement within the community through health promotion campaigns. For example local community health fairs, STOP Smoking campaign and Healthy Diet Initiatives.
  • We will target groups with specific health needs for example the ‘hidden population’ that do not seek mainstream services.

Health issues we will address

What support do we provide?

Our Approach

We believe that prevention and early detection are crucial in combating preventable illness such as Cancers, Heart disease and stroke.

We work together with other established community bodies for example working within the social model of health in order to improve the health and wellbeing of local residents (see diagram).


We also work to establish and support relationships with other relevant statutory, community and voluntary sectors in the North Down and Ards area in order in order to enhance the level of understanding in the community on the theme of health improvement.

We want to continue to ensure local people in the community have a voice, to give them the skills and facilities to play a key role in making choices about the information and services they need in relation to their own health and well-being; the community will help shape the services provided.

Programmes will include:


Unit 65, 2-4 Balloo Avenue, Bangor, BT19 7QT



Opening Hours:

Mon-Thurs: 8.30am - 4.00pm Friday 8.30am - 2pm