Ageing Well - Supporting Older People

Supporting women, children and families is at the heart of the work of Kilcooley Women’s Centre. The staff and management team work in collaboration with older people using ‘co-design’ methodology to ensure the programmes we offer are what local older people want, need and currently have no access to. As part of the ageing well initiative, we intergrate the older peoples programmes with other programmes in the centre, to deliver an inter-generational service, where good relations are built between the generations.
We are a member of the Older People’s Network – Ards and North Down. This group is made up of representatives from the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, County Down Rural Network, North Down Community Network, Age NI, Age friendly, Agenda, Ards and North Down Borough Council, Ards Community Network in addition to smaller local groups. The Groups’ vision is to create a connected and vibrant network for over 50’s, both male and female. To ensure older people are living to their full potential by participating and engaging in their local community.
To achieve this we hope to support, develop and encourage older peoples groups in the North Down area. By doing this we hope to transform and improve the quality of life, health and social wellbeing.
For further information on the services we offer, please contact us on 028 9147 8292.
The photograph was taken at the Older People’s Network Meeting on 04/03/2020 at Blair Mayne Wellbeing & Leisure Complex, Newtownards.