KWC Lead on the PCSP 'One Stop Shop' for the Borough

Each year, the Policing Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) award a contract to deliver a One Stop Shop service for victims and survivors of Domestic Abuse and their children.
This service provides a range of interventions including:
- Housing Advice – including housing rights and NI Housing Executive staff
- Legal Services – referral and urgent appointments/zoom with legal specialists in family and domestic abuse case law.
- Debt and Benefit Advice – including Community Advice Ards and North Down, and Bangor Jobs and Benefits teams.
- Early Years Support – engagement with childcare specialists to enable women to attend court, legal clinics or respite suport
- Signposting – to community programmes providing wrap around support such as Social; Supermarket and Food Bank
The team can also support service users engage with social services. When PSNI attend a domestic abuse call, where children are in the home, a referral is made. This can be additionally traumatic for victims. Our team have years of experience working alongside social services and can help navigate the system.
A dedicated website for the project has been created and can be found by clicking here