Legal Guides - Support for Victims of Domestic Abuse

Helpful guides have been produced by the Police & Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) to provide an overview of the criminal and civil law surrounding domestic abuse in Northern Ireland.
Click Legal Remedies – full guidance – Final July 2024 (3) for the full document “Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Partnership – Legal Remedies” document
Click here Legal Remedies At a Glance_Final for the full document “Legal Remedies at a Glance”
Content includes :
- The Northern Ireland Court System
- Legal Aid and Financial Eligibility
- Legislation
- Family Homes and Domestic Violence (NI) Order 1998
- Domestic Abuse and Civil Proceedings Act NI 2021
- The Protection from Stalking Act (NI) 2022
- Protection from Harassment (NI) Order 1997
- Non-Fatal Strangulation
- Restraining Orders
- Non-Molestation Orders and Occupation Orders
- Policing and Criminal Prosecutions
- Police & Police Bail
- Court Bail
- Breach of Bail
- Prosecuting Cases of Domestic Abuse
- Other Civil Options
- Civil Injunctions Page 18
- Undertakings
- Support for Victims and Witnesses
- Victim Information Schemes
- The Victim and Witness Care Unit
- Special Measures & Remote Evidence Centres
- Victim Support NI Witness Service & NSPCC
- Young Witness Service
- Operation Encompass
- Assist NI – Domestic & Sexual Abuse Advocacy Service
- Domestic Violence & Abuse Disclosure Scheme
- Women’s Aid
- Men’s Advisory Project
- Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline
- The Rainbow Project/HERe NI
- Sexual Violence and Abuse Support
- Ex-Parte Non-Molestation Order (sample)
- Inter-Partes Non-Molestation Order (sample)
- Occupation Order (sample)
- Other Useful Links:
- MARAC Resources (NI) Public Protection (PPANI) Adult Safeguarding
- Safeguarding Children
Thanks to the following members of the Protection and Justice Sub Group of the Belfast Area Domestic & Sexual Violence and Abuse Partnership for their support and contribution to this Guidance.
- Anne Caldwell, Solicitor, Flynn & McGettrick
- Caroline Conway, Public Prosecution Service
- Claire Edgar, Solicitor, Francis Hanna & Co
- Emma Crozier, Department of Justice
- Grainne Murphy, The Bar of Northern Ireland
- Jim Douglas, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
- Jude Copeland, Cleaver Fulton Rankin
- Kate Tyrell, Probation Board of Northern Ireland
- Keith Mills, Police Service of Northern Ireland
- Liz Brogan, Belfast & Lisburn Women’s Aid
- Lorna Brown, Assist NI
- Louise Kyne, Public Prosecution Service
- Niall Collins, Police Service of Northern Ireland
- Operational Support Branch, N.I. Courts and Tribunals Service
- Sarah Bruce, Domestic & Sexual Violence and Abuse Partnership Co-Ordinator
- Sarah McGeough, Department of Justice
- Sonya McMullan, Women’s Aid Federation NI
- Sophie Nelson, HEReNI
- Taryn Trainor, Unite the Union