028 9147 8292

Email info@kilcooleywomenscentre.co.uk

Men's Health

Some health problems, including cardiovascular disease, are more common in men than women. There are also certain conditions that are specific to men. But despite these health issues, men often feel embarrassed to get help from their GP. Men may also be particularly reluctant to ask for help with emotional problems.

Men are 14% more likely to develop cancer than women; they are 37% more likely to die from the disease. This has been attributed to poor lifestyle choices, such as eating an unhealthy diet, taking less exercise and a reluctance to discuss personal health matters. Research indicates that men will sometimes wait up to two years before consulting a doctor and are less likely to do so than women. By not monitoring their health, men have a higher chance of not detecting cancer or other serious conditions at an early and, hopefully, more treatable stage.

For more information on programmes running in the community contact:

Robert Scott, Kilcooley Community Action group

Desy Clayton, Kilcooley Community Forum

For more information

Action cancer www.actioncancer.org/How-We-Help/Health-Promotion/Men’s-Health

Prostate cancer uk http://prostatecanceruk.org/


Chest Heart & Stroke www.nichs.org.uk/how-we-can-support-you