028 9147 8292

Email info@kilcooleywomenscentre.co.uk

Reset Restart (Erasmus+)

KWC are leading an international Erasmus+ project to develop the skills of jocs and careers coaches as they assist jobseekers during the Covid period, as many people change career direction.  

The partnership will develop an innovative toolkit, resources and training materials to assist trainers in the field.  Countries represented include:  

  • UK (Northern Ireland) Kilcooley Women’s Centre
  • Spain (Reus) Open Europe
  • Turkey (Sivas) Social Life Volunteers
  • Romania IEDS  
  • Italy (ARES) 

Train the Trainer events will be held in Spain, with blended learning mobilities across the partnership to provide international learning opportunities for participants.  

KWC recently had the opportunity to host the partners and their career coaches in Bangor for a week, we discused the importance of equality, lifelong learning and how to seek employment in the UK after Brexit