028 9147 8292

Email info@kilcooleywomenscentre.co.uk

Young People 16-30


Kilcooley Women’s Centre thrives on providing support and services to young people.

Our aim is to encourage young people to discover their potential, learn new skills, gain qualifications and employment opportunities whilst having fun, meeting peers and experience life changing activities.

Our GIFTED and CATALYST programmes are the most attractive and provide a high level or support and encouragement for young people. The programmes aim to provide opportunities for young people, who are not curently in education or employment, that enable them to learn new skills, experience personal development on a meaningful level and equip them with vital life skills.

GIFTED (Getting Individuals Focused in Training Education and Development) is a project supported by the European Union’s Peace IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body. It is a new personal development and training programme providing a menu of soft skills and accreditied training opportunities for 16-30 year olds which can be tailored to you!

Courses on offer include the following:

  • Dealing with Challenging Behaviour
  • Social Development
  • Team Development
  • Employability Skills
  • Volunteering
  • Personal Finance
  • Childcare
  • Education and Training Qualifications
  • Leadership Awards
  • Soft skill classes: beauty, cookery, Crafts, DIY, Upcycling, Gardening and much more

The range of courses available grows on a daily a basis and we are happy to receive feedback on any courses you would be interested in attending.

Additionally, we have our New IFI Personal Youth Development Project-Catalyst which is specifically for young people who are not currently in employment or education. We want to provide the opportunity for personal and professional growth, fun and friendship and much more. The scheme is funded by IFI and is a progressive incentive based programme.

The programme encourages young people to get to know themselves better and embark on a journey of self development. With the opportunity to obtain qualifications and develop lifeskillswhilst enjoying activities such a surfing, coasteering, residentials and much more.

There are three levels to the programme with the aim being that over 2 years we can support a young person to develop their sense of self, obtain skills and qualifications and gain employment in a field where they have a keen level of interest with the added benefit of incentives to help them on their journey.

For more Information contact Kirsty (roject Manager) or Megan (Youth Officer) on 02891 478292 or visit our @CatalystYouthProject on Facebook or Twitter.