Innovative Quality Mentoring for Social Inclusion

This project is a progressional project from the initial Grundtvig Partnership. The partners in this new programme are led by Kilcooley Women’s Centre and include: Association Life Volunteers, Sivas (Turkey), Schools Inspectorate Alexandria, Telorman County (Romania) Oz Zips, Spisska Nova Ves (Slovakia), ACDC Suceava (Romania) and Kaleidoscope Enterprises, Hatfield (England). The partners carried out research in each country and developed a common curricula to train community mentors. They developed a ‘Train the Trainer’ course, to enable the project to be sustained at its conclusion. 12 Trainers are now in place in each partner organsisation, and they have trained 20 trainees respectively. The impact of the project is 120 trained community mentors assisting socially disadvantaged people in their localities. Part of the project was ‘blended mobilities’ where learners from each partner group got the opportunity to travel to other countries to experience short term training opportunities abroad. The Kaleidoscope partner left the project in February 2017. Partners will be disseminating the results of the project over the final months of the project, which concludes in September 2017.
Strategy Meeting 1 – Kick Off Meeting in Bangor, N Ireland
Strategy Meeting 2 – Transnational Project Planning Meeting, Alexandria Romania
Strategy Meeting 3 – Transnational Project Planning Meeting, Sivas, Turkey
TRAIN THE TRAINER – 12 trainers, 1 innovative training course, 1 comprehensive manual, 120 learners across the partnership – Held in Bangor, N Irleand
Blended Mobility – Action Learning Programme 1 Slovakia
Blended Mobility – Action Learning Programme 2 – Alexandria Romania
Blended Mobility – Action Learning Programme 3 – Bangor N Ireland
Blended Mobility – Action Learning Programme 4 – Hatfield UK
Blended Mobility – Action Learning Programme 5, Sivas Turkey
Blended Mobility – Action Learning 6 – Suceava, Romania
Strategy Meeting 4 – Transnational Project Planning Meeting, Spisska Nova Ves, Slovakia
Strategy Meeting 5 – Transnational Project Planning Meeting, Suceava, Romania
Strategy Meeting Strategy Meeting (Closure & Dissemination), London, UK
Erasmus+ is the European Union’s (EU) programme for education, training, youth and sport, with the EU committing £12 billion to the programme between 2014 and 2020. In the UK, the programme is managed by the Erasmus+ UK National Agency, a partnership between the British Council and Ecorys UK.
The project is funded under Key Action 2 of the programme, Adult Education, Strategic Partnerships
Project Website
Profile of a Community Mentor
Innovative Quality Mentoirng Good Practice Guide I
Innovative Quality Mentoring in Action – Short Film Erasmus Project