028 9147 8292

Email info@kilcooleywomenscentre.co.uk

Registration Opens for our *BEST EVER* Kilcooley Summer Scheme !

Summer Scheme – Summer Splash Adventure
Dates: week beginning 29th July running for 4 weeks Monday to Friday 10am until 3pm
Lunch provided
Registration day : 1 Kilcooley square @ 2pm – 3:30pm Wednesday 29th May
NOTE: Parents/guardian must be present at registration we cannot accept registrations from friends, children age 5-11 only
***each child will be allocated maximum of 2 weeks initially if the spaces are not filled we will offer further weeks***
Staff will be on hand on registration day to answer any questions
Any further information required please call the office on 02891478292 Tuesday 28TH May
(Note timetable subject to change)
Ready for the best one yet!